// Java (Applet) Fractal Explorer // (c) 1997 by Nils Pipenbrinck // fixed in 2005 by doj after decompilation of .class files with jad import java.awt.*; class ImagePanel extends Component { public Image theImage; public boolean drawDrag; public Rectangle R; ImagePanel() { drawDrag = false; R = new Rectangle(); } public final void paint(Graphics g) { if((g != null) & (theImage != null)) { Rectangle rectangle = getBounds(); g.drawImage(theImage, 1, 1, rectangle.width - 2, rectangle.height - 2, this); g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawRect(0, 0, rectangle.width - 1, rectangle.height - 1); if(drawDrag) { g.drawRect(R.x - 1, R.y - 1, R.width + 2, R.height + 2); g.drawRect(R.x + 1, R.y + 1, R.width - 2, R.height - 2); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRect(R.x, R.y, R.width, R.height); } } } }